Teaching Philosophy
Academic Papers
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Teaching Related Works
Classroom Learning Environment Paper
The purpose of this paper and assignment is to explain how I will go about creating my ideal classroom environment and what it would look like in practice.
Teaching Writing Philosophy
This paper explains my personal philosophy regarding the teaching of writing. I draw on my personal experiences as well as what I have learned during my time at West Chester University.
Mini-Lesson Plan
This is an example of a lesson plan that I created and presented in front of one of my education classes. It is briefer than a traditional lesson plan would be because it was for a short 15-20 minute presentation.
Example of Grading and Reasoning
Evaluating the work that students do in a class is an essential part of being an educator. Because of that, I wanted to ensure to provide an example of what this process looks like for me. The writing I was evaluating is not included because I did not have their permission and wanted to maintain confidentiality. The reasoning for my evaluation is included.
What Do You Meme Project
For one assignment, I was tasked with creating memes that embody who I am/want to be as a future educator.